Quickly register an enquiry and receive a customized price response
At Tools for Internet (TFI), we assist entrepreneurs in providing online quotations to their customers using handheld devices and Telegram Bots. Our Bots are designed to respond to customers with the best price and customizations for their services and products. We automate and streamline repetitive processes to allow Bots and servers to handle tasks efficiently and respond quickly. We specialize in automations and workflows specifically for customers in the United Arab Emirates, enabling them to provide instant quotations to their clients.
With the help of automation, you can enter customer information directly into your system and reduce the time it takes to prepare quotations for customers in Dubai. Our system simplifies the process, allowing you to choose various options through a mobile Telegram application. You can select menus, determine how and when to send quotations to customers, and even choose the language of communication. The Telegram Bots will generate PDF files for your quotations, invoices, delivery notes, and payment vouchers, and send them to your chosen customers with the exact specifications you have selected. This level of customization is what sets our automation services apart, and we pride ourselves in delivering tailored solutions to our clients in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.